Industrial Storage Solutions

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    Office cabinets under stairs

    Bolt work benches and seating

    Jade Aden offers a customised workshop design service that fits and works with your business’s requirements.

    Small parts storage

    To increase productivity, businesses that operate with small parts – nails, bolts, screws, and more – require a method to effectively manage all these items. Because they allow a wide range of adaptable products, the varied shelving option is the solution that meets this criterion.

    warehouse with small parts storage
    Metal racking in warehouse

    Long span shelving

    In case your company’s operations imply hand loading large boxes and items, then this heavy-duty shelving option could simplify your task a great deal.

    Heavy-duty shelving

    If you prefer a solution that is highly versatile and offers customised storage, then the heavy-duty shelving is the perfect product for you. Moreover, because the shelving is available in different sizes and for distinct uses, it constitutes the ideal selection for production and engineering applications.

    Modern warehouse interior
    warehouse with adjustable pallet racking

    Adjustable pallet racking

    Available in different frames and beams, our adjustable pallet racking is durable, resilient and easy to assemble. Take note that the frame and beam options are selected according to your specific heavy-duty storage operation.